Are Low-Maintenance and Hypoallergenic Dogs a Myth or an Achievable Reality?
It turns out that there is probably no such thing as a truly low maintenance (depending on your issue!) or a 100% hypoallergenic dog. But we believe that there are breeds of dog suitable for all homes and people and share our journey below addressing the search for a non-shedding dog for our allergenic needs. Read on for the full scoop!
My Personal Story of Searching for a Low Maintenance & Hypoallergenic Dog!
Low-Maintenance Dogs & Hypoallergenic Dogs | Myth or Reality?
This is the question that I asked myself back in 2011 when our family decided that it was time to research and look for the perfect family dog.
I could no longer watch our eldest daughter, then aged 7, drag a sorry looking group of toy dogs around our home, desperate to love and look after the real thing. She even attempted to put her younger sister at the end of a leash!
At this stage, I knew that it was time to find our new furry family addition.
I was the only member of the family with any experience of dog ownership. I had also previously lived with a friend who owned a very lovely aging cat. However, my experience was limited.
Over several years, my wife and children had advanced from the standard goldfish to hamster ownership but had never experienced the joy and trials of having a family dog.
We were ready to find the family dog BUT we had one big problem - my wife had reacted very badly to the cat that I had shared a house with before we moved in together.
We thought that this meant that she was allergic to animal fur/hair. This seems to be a common misconception held by many people.
My understanding of this was also limited so the research for a low maintenance and hypoallergenic dog began in earnest!
How Common Is It To Be Allergic to Dogs and Cats?
I was surprised to learn that between 10% to 20% of the population worldwide are affected by allergies to dogs and cats with cats representing double the rate of reactions to dogs.
An allergic reaction is also more common when you already suffer from another type of allergy or asthma. My wife had suffered from asthma as a child.
For example, in the US, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, 3 in 10 people suffering from allergies suffer allergic reactions to dogs and cats.
I also discovered that allergic reactions to dogs tend to be more severe than the reactions to cats.
Could this end our longed-for journey into a loving relationship with a canine family addition? I was determined to find out whether this journey would still be possible given the number of families that share their lives with a pooch!
Global Dog Ownership Statistics
Dog ownership has continued to see a massive increase in recent years so this is an issue being faced by a lot of people who, like us at the time, are desperate to become a dog parent!
So what percentage of households own a dog? According to the 2019-2020 American Pet Products Association National Pet Owners Survey, 67% of U.S. households own a pet, which equates to 84.9 million homes. 63.4 million of those homes own a dog. A staggering 75% of homes!
Across the globe, the numbers are jaw-dropping. Or should I say paw-dropping? Forgive me for that one!
Just take a look at the results of a survey by Euromonitor, published by Nestlé Purina Petcare, and released in 2019.
It seemed to me that it must be possible to share your life and home with a dog and that I needed to understand how this could be achieved.
It was also key to understand the symptoms and how these could be minimized or even removed, if possible.
What Are the Symptoms of Dog Allergy?
Having witnessed my wife’s strong allergic reaction to my friend’s cat, I can say from experience that suffering from an allergy is no joke. No fun whatsoever.
Here is a list of the symptoms you can suffer from an allergic reaction to dogs:
9 years on he is still filling our home and hearts with love and joy. There is NOTHING quite like the LOVE and LOYALTY of a dog.
So What Can You Do to Make It Possible to Live with Dogs When You Are Allergic To Them?
Low-Maintenance Dogs & Hypoallergenic Dogs | Myth or Reality? Our Conclusion?
I can honestly say that we have not had any allergy issues in our home. We took precautions and we continue to take these precautions.
The safest way to proceed before embarking on dog ownership is to get yourself tested for allergies.
If you are allergic to dogs and cats then obviously, the safest way is to avoid them.
However, from personal experience, I remain of the view that you can make adjustments and lifestyle choices so that you can share your home and heart with a furry friend.
Note - you should check with an allergist as to what medications you may require, such as antihistamines and nasal decongestants. Please refer to our medical disclaimer which you can access here. This blog is for information purposes only and should not replace the need to consult medical and other expert advice.Faq- pEOPLE ALSO ASK...
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